Revelations from the most frequently used words in Japanese


A Frequency Dictionary of Japanese (2013) from Routledge 

This dictionary is based on a corpus of spoken Japanese available for free online academic use from the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics.  I made an Excel database of the top 100 words using the dictionary (below). The same corpus was used to create the Japanese version of the Leipzig Vocabulary Levels Tests. See right.
Leipzeig Leveled Vocabulary Tests

A close up of the most frequently used 100 words in Japanese

Here is a link to an Excel spread sheet of the 100 most frequently used words in spoken Japanese.  You can sort it by ranking order (example 1-100) or by parts of speech.  You can scan the list in its entirety below.  Spread sheet link.

The First Hundred High-Frequency Spoken Japanese Words
Normalized frequence per million words
Dispersion value
RankPart of SpeechWordEnglish translationNFDVRegisterExample
1case-marking particleの/NOof; in; at; for; by4707847078BK彼はこの大学の学生だ。He is a student at this university.
2case-marking particleに/NIat; on; in; to; for322311BK私は大阪に住んでいます。I live in Osaka.
3binding/adverbial particleは/WATOPIC315721BK好きなスポーツはテニスです。My favorite sport is tennis.
4auxiliaryた/TAPAST315490.98BK昨日、彼を見ましたか。Did you see him yesterday?
5case-marking particleを/WOACCUSATIVE291200.99BK彼は毎晩ビールを飲む。He drinks beer every night.
6auxiliaryだ/DACOPULA276860.99BK僕は英語が苦手だ。I'm not good at English.
7case-marking particleが/GANOMINATIVE269041BKこちらが私の妻です。This is my wife.
8conjunctive particleて/TEREASON225230.96noneお金がなくて、海外旅行できない。I don't have money so I can't travel abroad.
9case-marking particleと/TOand; or; with; if185091BK彼とレストランへ行った。I went to a restaurant with my boyfriend.
10auxiliaryます/MASUPOLITE (after verb)168550.95none来週京都へ行きます。I will go to Kyoto next week.
11binding/adverbial particleも/MOtoo, also161470.97none彼が行くなら、私も行きます。If he is going, I will go too.
12case-marking particleで/DEin; at; from; by140581BK東京駅で彼女に会った。I met her at Tokyo Station.
13compound particleている、てる/TEIRUCONTINUATION135550.99none雨がふっている。It's raining.
14auxiliaryです/DESUCOPULA (polite)98280.83WB彼は独身です。He is single.
15auxiliaryれる/RERUPASSIVE92340.99BK日本で使われている通貨は円です。The currency used in Japan is yen.
16compound particleという、つう/TOIUcalled, named90730.8none太郎という男の子を知っていますか。Do you know a boy called Taro?
17noun事/KOTOthing87470.96none今年はいろいろな事があった。All kinds of things happened this year.
18interjectionえー、ええ/EEeh? what? well, yes86360.07SPあの人は、えー、ちょっと名前が思いだせません。・いい、そうです。That man is…, well I cannot remember his name./Right.
19verb言う/IUsay, speak, talk85490.91noneはっきり言うと、あなたの言っていることは無意味です。Frankly speaking, you are talking nonsense.
20compound particlesのです、んです/NODESUASSERTION (polite)84390.71noneどうしたんですか。What's the matter?
21interjectionあの、あのう、あのー/ANOexcuse me; uh, eh, um, ah, er84310SPあの、ちょっとお聞きしたいんですが、バス乗り場はどこですか。Excuse me, could you tell me where the bus stop is?
22verbする/SURUdo; make7640.99none仕事をしなければなりません。I have to do my work.
23interjectionまー、 まあ/MAAWow! Oh my God!69500.04SPまー、なんて素晴らしいんでしょう。Wow! That's amazing!
24binding/adverbial particleの/NOPOSSESSIVE68830.95none彼が言ったのは本当だ。What he said is true.
25verbある/ARUbe (existence), have (possession), happen, occur64960.98none彼の報告書は問題がある。His report has some problems.
26sentence-ending particleね/NEisn't it?, don't you?62820.7noneいい天気ですね。It's a nice day, isn't it?
27auxiliaryない/NAInot62530.98none彼は朝ごはんを食べない。He doesn't have breakfast.
28verbなる/NARUbecome, get; come to do, start to do, turn into59770.99none彼は金持ちになるでしょう。He will become rich.
29sentence-ending particleか/KAQUESTION55940.91noneコーヒーか紅茶はいかがですか。Would you like some coffee or tea?
30adnominalその/SONOthat55460.95BKそのかばんを取ってくれませんか。Can you pass me that bag?
31conjunctionけれど/KEREDOthough, although52930.64noneこのアパートはあまり良くないえれどやすい。This apartment is cheap, though it's not so nice.
32case-marking particleから/KARAfrom47401noneここからその店までは遠い。The shop is a long way from here.
33auxiliaryよう/YOUINDUCEMENT46380.97BK一緒にDVDを見よう。Let's watch a DVD together.
34verb思う/OMOUthink, believe; feel; expect45990.88none私はそう思いません。I don't think so.
35conjunctionで/DEso, then44120.15SPで、あの話はどうなりましたか。So what happened about the story you mentioned?
36binding/adverbial particleか/KAif; or43080.94noneだれか来たようだ。It seems that someone has come.
37conjunctive particleが/GAADVERSATIVE41680.96noneいい天気だが、風が冷たい。It's a sunny day but the wind is chilly.
38noun物/MONOthing, object, stuff36760.96noneそんなに高い物は買えません。I can't buy such expensive stuff.
39adverbそう/SOUso, such34970.8none私もそう思います。I think so too.
40pronoun何/NANwhat; something; anything; nothing34970.76none何を考えていますか。What are you thinking?
41conjunctive particleと/TOif, when; with34580.97noneお酒を飲みすぎると、眠くなってしまう。Drinking too much makes me sleepy.
42pronoun私/WATASHII34040.9none私は寿司がすきです。I like sushi.
43compound particleてしまう/TESHIMAUend up doing33520.78noneダイエット中なのに、つい、甘いものを食べてしまう。I'm on a diet, but I can't stop eating sweets.
44pronounそれ/SOREthat32780.91BKそれあ明子さんのカバンですか。Is that Akiko's bag?
45binding/adverbial particleとか/TOKAand; or31740SPケーキとかチョコレートばかり食べるから、君は太るんだ。You gain weight because you always eat cake and chocolate.
46adnominalこの/KONOthis29740.97BKこの本をもう読みましたか。Have you read this book?
47i-adjective無い/NAIthere is no…, no…29530.96none今、お金が無いんです。I have no money now.
48verb行く/IKUgo; come27460.88noneすぐ行きます。I'm just coming.
49compound particleのだ、んだ/NODA,NDAASSERTION27080.94none彼女は何も知らないのだ。She doesn't know anything.
50auxiliaryせる/SERUCAUSATIVE27020.87none子供にピアノを習わせたい。I want my child to learn how to play the piano.
51pronounこれ/KOREthis26850.93noneこれをください。(レストランや店で)I will take this (in a restaurant or shop).
52adverbもう/MOUalready; soon; again26300.66noneもう寝ます。I'll go to bed soon.
53compound particleである/DEARUCOPULA (formula)25860.81BKこれが実験の結果である。These are the results of the experiment.
54noun時/TOKItime25140.96none時が悲しみを癒してくれますよ。Time will heal your sorrow.
55sentence-ending particleな/NAPROHIBITION2250.78none動くな!手を挙げろ。Don't move! Get your hands up!
56auxiliaryず/ZUNEGATION22500.94none彼は何も言わずに去ってしまった。He left without saying anything.
57conjunctive particleので、んで/NODE,NDEas, because, since21810SP娘はまだ小さいので手がかかります。My daughter is still very young, she needs to be looked after.
58noun人/HITOperson, people, human being21780.93noneその歌手は若い人に人気がある。That singer is popular among young people.
59sentence-ending particleよ/YOASSERTION, REMINDING (informal)21340.88noneまた来るよ。I will come again.
60adverbこう/KOUso, like this20990.73none粉と水を混ぜ、こうしてよくこねてください。Mix flour and water together, and knead the dough like this.
61conjunctive particleから/KARAbecause, since20280.96none雨が降っているから、出かけるのはやめます。I will not go out, because it's raining.
62conjunctive particleば/BAif19090.98none雨がふれば、試合は中止だ。If it rains, the game will be cancelled.
63binding/adverbial particleや/YAand; or18810.93none結婚式に家族や友人を招待した。We invited our family and friends to the wedding.
64verb来る/KURUcome18760.92noneここに来てください。Come here, please.
65interjectionその/SONOuh, er, um, mm18680.01SP「どうして授業を休んだの。」「それは、その. . . .」"Why were you absent from class?" "Uh, well…"
66binding/adverbial particleまで/MADEto, till, until18390.99none休暇は明日から来週の水曜日までです。My vacation is from tomorrow till next Wednesday.
67verb見る/MIRUsee; look at, watch; check18140.98none通りを渡る前に左右を見た。I looked left and right before crossing the street.
68binding/adverbial particleたり/TARIand17930.84none日曜日はよく部屋の掃除をしたり、本を読んだ。I usually clean up my room and read books on Sunday.
69noun今/IMAnow17600.92none今何時ですか。What time is it now?
70i-adjective良い、いい/YOI,IIgood17340.84none彼は良い人だ。He is a good man.
71noun所/TOKOROplace, point, part, aspect17140.93none先週はいろいろな所に行った。I went to many places last week.
72noun自分/JIBUNonself17090.86none彼は九十歳だが何でも自分でできる。He is ninety years old, yet he can do everything by himself.
73interjectionん/Noh, mm, well17060.16SPん、何かがおかしいな。Hmm, something is wrong…
74interjectionあー/AAer, uh, um, hmm, ah, oh16950.36none「入ってもいい。」「あー、ちょっとまって。」"Can I come in?" "Uh. Just a minute."
75adverbやはり、やっぱり/YAHARIas (one) expected, still16800.66none彼女はやはり遅れた。She was late for the appointment, as expected.
76auxiliaryたい/TAIwant to, like to16630.98noneコーヒーが飲みたいな、ちょっと体もう。I want to have a cup of coffee. Let's take a break.
77verbやる/YARUdo; make; give16440.88none今すぐやります。I'll do that right now.
78noun中/NAKAinside, in; into15340.97BK太郎は部屋の中に入った。Taro came into the room.
79verbいる/IRUbe, exist; stay14990.89none「どこにいるの。」「ここだよ。」"Where are you?" "I'm here."
80verbできる/DEKIRUbe ready14900.96none夕飯あできましたよ。Dinner is ready.
81binding/adverbial particleなど/NADOand so on, etc.14710.91none警察官は私の名前や年齢などを尋ねた。The policeman asked me my name, age, and so on.
82compound particleとして/TOSHITEas14530.95none彼女は女優としてはものにならなかった。As an actress, she did not succeed.
83noun後/ATOafter, later14480.84none後で電話します。I'll call you later.
84conjunctionまた/MATAaddionally, moreover; again; too, and14430.95none彼女は医者であり、また、歌手でもある。She is a doctor as well as a singer.
84adverbまた/MATAadditionally, moreover; again; too, and14430.95noneまた同じ間違いをしてしまった。I made the same mistake again.
85adverbちょっと/CHOTTO(just) a little, a bit13520.66none最近、ちょっと太ってしまった。I gained a bit of weight recently.
86compound particleてくる/TEKURUgo and…13510.98noneスーパーへ行ってきます。I am going to the supermarket.
87binding/adverbial particleだけ/DAKEonly, alone, merely13290.98noneチャンスは一回だけだ。I have only one chance.
88binding/adverbial particleくらい、ぐらい/KURAI, GURAIabout, around13180.79none彼女は二十歳ぐらいに見える。She looks around twenty years old.
89compound particlesではない/DEWANAIit is not the case that…13040.96none私は日本人ではない。I'm not Japanese.
90interjectionえーと/EETOwell, let me see13030.01noneえーと、会議あ何時からだっけ。Well, what time does the meeting start?
91noun方/HOUdirection, way; side13010.95noneこの部屋は午後になると西の方から日が差す。This room gets the sun in the afternoon from the west.
92compound particleていく、てく/TEIKUgo and…12450.92none明日の夕飯会にはどんな服を着て行ったらいいですか。What kind of dress should I wear for the dinner tomorrow?
93noun訳/WAKEreason, cause12150.82none訳を話してください。Tell me the reason.
94case-marking particleへ/EDESTINATION11960.95BK明日、大阪へ行きます。I will go to Osaka tomorrow.
95adverbどう/DOUhow, what11730.96none彼をどう思いますか。What do you thnk of him?
96conjunctive particleし/SHIand, besides11670.88none彼はハンサムだし背が高い。He is handome, and tall.
97noun本当/HONTOUtruth, right11250.73noneそれは本当かな。I wonder if it is true.
98verb持つ/MOTSUhave, take, hold11060.97noneこれを持ってくれませんか。Can you hold this?
99verb出る/DERUgo out, come out; attend10930.95none私は部屋から出た。
100nounため/TAMEfor 10840.93noneこれは初心者のための本です。

Distribution of the types of words in the most frequent 100

Part of speechQuantityExample
like this
without saying
4)binding/adverbial particles11は・wa
topic marker
5)case-marking particles8の・no
6)compound particles10という・toiu
8)conjunctive particles7て/te
9)い・I adjectives2よい・yoi
13)sentence-ending particles4ね・ne
isn't it