The Super Seven in Japanese

Only a few words are necessary to tell a simple story. Terry Waltz identified the seven concepts and coined the term "The Super Seven" in her excellent book, TPRS with Chinese Characteristics (2015). Here they are in Japanese. This list is a translation of her concepts and all but one are among the 100 most frequent words in spoken Japanese, according to the Routledge Frequency Dictionary of Japanese (2013).

Existenceいる・あるis, are, exists
Possessionもつhold, possess
LocationPlaceに いる・ある
be in a place
Volition〜おう・〜たいwill/want to
Identificationis, are

Except for 「すき」, all of the above words are among the top 100 high frequency spoken words in Japanese (A Frequency Dictionary of Japanese, Routledge,  2013).  The word 「すき」is number 196.  For an example in a TPRS story, see this example. However, as Martina Bex writes on her website, The Comprehensible Classroom, it is hard to avoid them. 

The Japanese Eighteen

The most frequent verbs in spoken Japanese correspond closely to Mike Peto's "Sweet Sixteen Verbs" in Spanish (an expansion of Terry Waltz' ”Super Seven”). These are from the Routledge Frequency Dictionary of Japanese. The number 18 in Japanese can mean "things one is good at" as it is a reference to the 18 seminole kabuki plays associated with the Ichikawa Danjuro line of actors.

  1. 言う・IU say,speak、talk rank 19
  2. する・SURU domake rank 22
  3. ある・ARU be(existence)、have(possession)rank 25
  4. なる・NARU becomerank 28
  5. 思う・OMOU think、believe、feel、expect rank 34
  6. 行く・IKU go rank 48
  7.  来る・KURU come rank 64
  8. 見る・MIRU see、look at、watch、checkrank 67
  9. やる・YARU do、make、giverank 77
  10. いる・IRU be、exist、stay rank 79
  11. できる・DEKIRU can、be readyrank 80
  12. 持つ・MOTSU have、take、holdrank 98
  13. 出る・DERU go out、come out、attend rank 99
  14. 考える・KANGAERU think rank 102
  15. 分かる・WAKARU understand、see rank 105
  16. 入る・HAIRU enter、come in、go in rank 109
  17. 作る・TSUKURU make、create、cook rank 110
  18. 聞く・KIKU hear、listen、listen to、obey rank 112