Finding the sweet spot: What language to teach?

Finding the sweet spot: What language to teach?

“This is probably one of the most frequently-asked questions in TPRS,” writes Terry Waltz of her TPRS with Chinese Characteristics (2015, p. 73). And the answer to the question depends. Do you have to follow a curriculum? Prepare students for a test? Are you free to teach what you want? In any case, Waltz has […]

TPRS materials for Japanese

As far as I know, there are only five published items available for Japanese teachers who want to use TPRS. There are lots of materials, including novelas and textbook supplements for other languages, but hardly any for Japanese teachers…hence this website.  Let’s create what we need together.  In the meantime, here’s a look at what […]

My first TPRS workshop

My first TPRS workshop

It was the 2006 California Language Teachers Association annual conference in Ontario, California, and I signed up for the two-day pre-conference workshop with Susie Gross because the description said something fun like “teach language with stories.” As the workshop proceeded, I was overcome with confusion. I loved what Susie Gross said and how she taught. […]

A language teacher’s realization

A language teacher’s realization

From a practical point of view, it makes sense to me to teach students common, generic expressions in a beginning language class–after all, we should teach them what they will use in the future when they take that trip abroad, right? I admit that my initial reason for consulting a frequency dictionary was to simply […]

Super Seven and Sweet Sixteen

Using High-frequency vocab

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are a great way to structure language
